"LIFE FORMS" - Red and white concertina
On sale
Title : "Life forms"
75 cm x 9.5 cm
Each page is approx 9.5 cm square.
WAS $120
Available on SALE for $75 - postage included.
Watercolour and pigmented ink on 200gm watercolour paper.
A simple red and white design is painted on the other side.
Framing is suggested for long term preservation. This symbol is one I've used going back decades. Loosely based on the infinity seed form I also see it as an abstracted seed form.
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED TO SEE A COLLECTION OF CONCERTINA BOOKS email or if local please send a text message to the artist on 0430 599 344 if you wish to find a time to visit.
Ive recently being discovering more of these Concertina books ... works of all sizes and shapes.